Fall 2015 Tactical Combat Casualty Care Updates

The 2015 annual update to the TCCC curriculum for medical personnel is complete and has been forwarded to our publishing websites. Distribution to our military teaching facilities, subscribing federal agencies and allied military medical departments is ongoing.

The link for the TCCC section of the NAEMT website is:


The TCCC-MP 150603 file set comprises 161 files in 22 folders totaling 138 GB.

There were three major changes to the TCCC guidelines included in this year's version:

14-02 Optimizing Tourniquet Use in TCCC

14-03 Ondansetron for Nausea and Vomiting

15-01 CricKey for Surgical Airways


The test question bank was updated with questions covering the three guideline changes.


Also - all videos have been embedded in the PowerPoint files so users no longer have to build links between slides and videos, and there is no longer a separate folder containing the videos. Three new videos appear in 150603.

The first depicts correct use of the Cric-Key to introduce a Melker airway in cases of upper airway obstruction. The second illustrates re-inflation of a lung following needle decompression of a tension pneumothorax (thanks to Dr. Alex Linchevsky from the Ukraine for this remarkable video.) The last reinforces the need for eye shields in penetrating eye injury and shows the proper application thereof (thanks to the Vision Center of Excellence and retired COL Robb Mazzoli for the very well-produced video.)


A new optional Student Note-Taking Handout is included in the Instructor Guides folder.


Feedback from end users is critically important. Please review the new curriculum carefully, and contact the CoTCCC Developmental Editor, Dr.Stephen Giebner, (sdgiebner@msn.com) with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.


Thanks to Dr. Giebner for his outstanding work on this revision of the TCCC curriculum.


V/R -



Frank K. Butler, MD

CAPT   MC   USN (Ret)


Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care



Prehospital Trauma Care

Joint Trauma System
