The top cause of preventable death in trauma is bleeding... 20% of people who have died from traumatic injuries COULD HAVE SURVIVED with quick bleeding control!
Preparation is key to being ready in the event that life threatening bleeding occurs.To facilitate training in how to stop bleeding in these emergency situations, North American Rescue has specially designed this convenient kit containing training items that correspond with the necessary tools recommended by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma to equip bystanders to help save lives in the instance of life threatening bleeding. Also included are step-by-step illustrated “Just in Time” pictorial instructions.
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Techline Technologies, Inc. also offers certified medical training programs, preparing students for “real world” scenarios. We utilize experienced instructors who have taught for both the military and civilian agencies.
Our instructors come from a variety of backgrounds and bring expertise learned both on the battlefield and the streets to our classes. Combined with use of the Techline family of manikins and wounds, allows students to conduct clinically appropriate responses to life saving interventions on wounds that look and feel real.