The Self-Adhesive Granulation demonstrates that a wound is on its way past an inflammatory phase of healing, and progressing into the building phase of proliferation. It appears as red and bumpy tissue that is often described to look have a "cobblestone" texture.
This simulator allows an instructor, role player or student to wear the injury and provide the instructor the opportunity to demonstrate actual treatments. This simulation may also be used in conjunction with a table top skin (sold separately) as a classroom task trainer.
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Techline Technologies, Inc. also offers certified medical training programs, preparing students for “real world” scenarios. We utilize experienced instructors who have taught for both the military and civilian agencies.
Our instructors come from a variety of backgrounds and bring expertise learned both on the battlefield and the streets to our classes. Combined with use of the Techline family of manikins and wounds, allows students to conduct clinically appropriate responses to life saving interventions on wounds that look and feel real.